just say for a moment you bunch of
pampered, overpaid, unrealistic children
had your way and the U.S.A. didn't go into
Let's say that you really get your way
and we destroy all our nuclear weapons
and stick daisies in our
gun barrels
and sit around with some white wine and cheese
and pat ourselves on the back,
so proud of what we've
done for world peace.
Let's say that we cut the military budget to
just enough to keep the National Guard
hand to help out with floods and fires.
say that we close down
our military bases all over the world
and bring the troops home,
increase our foreign aid
drop all the trade sanctions
against everybody.
I suppose that in your fantasy world
this would create a utopian
where everybody would live in peace.
After all, the great monster,
the United States of America,
the cause
of all the world's trouble
would have disbanded it's horrible military
and certainly all the other countries
of the
world would follow suit.
After all, they only arm themselves
to defend their countries from the mean old U.S.A.
Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical,
spoiled mugwumps.
Get your head out of the sand
and smell the Trade Towers burning.
Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn
did anything
but encourage a wanton murderer
to think that the people of the U.S.A.
didn't have the nerve or the guts to fight him?
Streisand's fanatical and hateful rankings
about George Bush makes about as much sense
as Michael Jackson hanging a
baby over a railing.
You people need to get out of Hollywood
once in a while
and get out into the real world.
You'd be surprised at the hostility you would find out here.
Stop in at a truck
stop and tell an overworked,
long distance truck driver that you don't think
Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong.
a farmer with a couple of sons in the military
that you think the United States
has no right to defend itself.
Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally
see what the folks down there think about you.
You people are some of the most disgusting examples
of a waste of
protoplasm I've ever
had the displeasure to hear about.
Sean Penn, you're a traitor to the United States of America.
gave aid and comfort to the enemy.
How many American lives will your little,
"fact finding trip" to Iraq cost?
encouraged Saddam to think
that we didn't have the stomach for war.
You people protect one of the most evil men
the face of this earth and won't lift a finger
to save the life of an unborn baby.
Freedom of choice you say?
Well I'm going to exercise
some freedom of choice of
my own.
If I see any of your names on a marquee,
I'm going to boycott the movie.
I will completely stop going
to movies if I have to.
In most cases it certainly wouldn't be much of a loss.
You scoff at our military whose boots
not even worthy to shine.
They go to battle and risk their lives
so ingrates like you can live in luxury.
day of reckoning is coming
when you will be faced with the undeniable truth
that the war against Saddam Hussein
the war on terrorism.
America is in imminent danger.
You're either for
her or against her.
There is no middle ground.
I think we all know where you stand.
What do you think?
Bless America!
Charlie Daniels
Copyright © 2003 Charlie Daniels